How Siamese cats change their colours

Siamese cats should have vivid blue eyes as per the cat associations' breed standards

First a short introduction. Although the history of the Siamese cat in the West is somewhat vague, it would seem with some certainty that a certain Mrs Vyvyan of Dover, UK acquired some of the first Siamese cats in the West. Of course, they came from Siam (now Thailand) ostensibly from the King’s Palace …

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What is a colourpoint cat?

Javanese is a colourpoint cat

There are two separate topics to discuss under the heading “colourpoint cat”. There are purebred cats of various breeds with pointing. These are all colourpoint cats. So, the term ‘colourpoint cat’ can apply to, for example, a pointed Persian cat called a Himalayan cat or a pointed British Shorthair cat. It’s an umbrella term …

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