Moggy foster cat unexpectedly gave birth to a Lykoi aka werewolf kitten

Gracie with Brianna before Gracie lost her fur

An ‘ordinary’ random-bred (moggy) cat that was being fostered by Brianna Walton in the US gave birth to a litter of kittens one of whom Brianna named Gracie. She was fond of Gracie and decided to adopt her. And then strangely, when Gracie was five weeks old, she started to lose her fur. She …

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Ten fine photos of Lykoi cats

Lykoi Cat Portrait

Here are 10 selected, fine photographs of the unusual but popular Lykoi cat. I hope you like them. You can click on the images to go to a new page where you will see a larger image and some words about this breed (for deesktop only). I am indebted to Sarah Hartwell for the …

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Pictures of Lykoi and Sphynx cats

Lykoi and Sphynx. They are Lobo and Dobby.

This is 2-year-old Lobo a Lykoi cat, commonly called the werewolf cat, and his buddy, Dobby, who is a Sphynx. The latter is hairless and the former is half-hairless. You have to like hairlessness to like the appearance of these cats whose photographs were taken for their Instagram webpage (sphynx_dobby_lykoi_lobo) by Martin Potgieter who …

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Picture of a Lykoi Cat

Good picture of Lykoi cat

This is a good picture of a Lykoi Cat or Wolf Cat. I improved the image quality a bit. It comes from the Sahasrara Cattery in Austria I believe. The picture is on their Facebook page. The woman who breeds them calls the cat, ‘My little wolverine sweetheart’ combined with a ton of sweet …

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Foundation male Werewolf cat froze to death at hands of first breeder

Male founding Lykoi kitten

The first breeder of the well publicised Werewolf cat (Lykoi breed) negligently let the foundation male Lykoi cat die of hypothermia while in her care. This is only one aspect of the unseemly story of the origins of this intriguing new breed of purebred cat. Sarah Hartwell of has gathered together information on …

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