UK cat fancy out of touch with the reality of the Exotic Shorthair’s lack of health

Exotic Shorthairs are cats that are not as healthy as they should be and adopters of this breed need to be aware of this as it affects the cost and quality of caregiving

Today, in The Times, there is a photograph of Rupert, an Exotic Shorthair purebred cat who has been named by the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy (GCC F) as the Best Household Pet at a Leicester cat show; Stoneleigh Park, Warwickshire. Rupert is a ginger tabby cat. He has beautiful copper eyes and …

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Where is the Maine Coon from? The origin.

Origin of the Maine Coon

There are perhaps as many as a dozen different theories on the origin of the Maine Coon believe it or not. One of the most unusual is that the Vikings imported Norwegian Forest Cats into North America in Newfoundland, Canada, in 1021AD! They sailed from Norway on those small boats. Sound feasible? 🤔 The Norwegian …

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Which cat breed should a first-time owner pick?

Havana Brown 'Cocoa' reclining by Helmi Flick

People ask “Which cat breed is best for first time owners?” You’ll see a lot of answers on the internet with long lists of many breeds all being suitable for first-time buyers which tells you that there is little difference between the breeds on this criterion according to these authors. So what does a …

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Which cat is more affectionate, a Maine Coon or a Ragdoll?

Which cat breed is more affectionate between the Maine Coon and the Ragdoll? The Ragdoll.

The Maine Coon and the Ragdoll are both very popular cat breeds. They are probably both in the top five most popular. They are both large cats. The Maine Coon is, in general, the largest cat breed and the Ragdoll is a close second. They are both bred to be affectionate and good companions …

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Beware of superlatives in relation to the cat breeds

Describing the cat breeds in terms of superlatives is often misleading

‘Superlatives’ in the context of the cat breeds are adjectives describing the: You see superlatives in respect of the cat breeds a lot because they interest people who are thinking of adopting a purebred cat. Buyers/adopters are researching the cat breeds and they want guidance. So, the website owners ask their authors to come …

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Ragdoll cat the most popular breed in Australia because they are good indoor cats

The Ragdoll cat would appear to be the most popular cat breed in Australia because they are more suited to the full-time indoor life which is what the Australian government wants.

The world knows that Australia has a domestic cat problem! That problem is that some of them become feral cats and the feral cat is the archenemy of the Australian state because they kill native species. There is a big push in Australia to keep cats indoors full-time to protect the said native species. …

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Kurilian Bobtail (information verified by breeders)

Kurilian bobtail

Above: Photograph of TAIGA © Helmi Flick Introduction The Kurilian Bobtail (Kurilian, Curilsk Bobtailis, Kuril Bobtail) is a “natural” cat and a “mutated” cat. The breed is little-known in the West but is the 3rd most popular breed in Russia, where there are about 40 catteries – see three excellent Russian bred Kurilian Bobtail …

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