Tabby hair strand anatomy and pattern. Infographic.

In summary, the tabby pattern is the result of agouti-banded hairs clustering in specific regions, directed by genetic factors, and creating visible markings on the cat’s coat. The tabby pattern in a domestic cat’s coat is created by the arrangement of individual tabby hair strands, which exhibit a unique banding pattern of pigmentation. This …

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Tortoiseshell cat coat formation. Infographic.

Details: The tortoiseshell cat coat pattern is formed due to a combination of genetic and developmental factors involving X-linked genes and random X-chromosome inactivation. Genetic Basis Developmental Mosaicism Modifying Factors Male Tortoiseshells In summary, the tortoiseshell coat is a striking example of how genetics and epigenetic processes like X-chromosome inactivation interact to produce complex …

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Finnish salmiak cat coat colouration

Salmiak cat coat from Finland

The salmiak cat coat is a variation on the tuxedo cat which is essentially a black-and-white (bicolor) cat but predominantly black with white on the chest area. In the salmiak version the black hairs are white at the tip which gives an interesting graded appearance to what would have been black fur – described …

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Why do white cats make bad mothers?

White cats can be challenged in being good moms but compensate in using other senses if they are congenitally deaf

I think the question in the title is a little harsh and it needs to be discussed. Not all white cats make bad mothers. In fact, it might be argued that white cats don’t make bad mothers despite the fact that if the mother is completely white with blue eyes, they have a 60%-80% …

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Persian cat fur is unnaturally long unfortunately which makes a lion cut a practical solution

Persian kitten given a lion cut because of poop on the bottom

Giving a Persian cut for health reasons (some do it for the look) is a loving aspect of cat care. But it is bit peculiar that we have Persian cat breeders doing all they can to give their cats long fur following the breed standard for it to be shaved off because it is …

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What is the black cat personality?

Charlie my cat

I’ve been doing some research on black cat personality and it is striking to report that their personality is almost diametrically opposed to the diabolical image that they have thanks to their association with witches in the Middle Ages. I can refer to at least three good sources on black cat personality which I …

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