Dilution of cat coats (infographic)

Asian bobtailed cat

This is another infographic which I hope summarises what is going on when a cat coat becomes pale and washed out. A lot of people like the appearance. All the grey cats are a washed out black. The most famous grey purebred cat is the British Blue. The Russian Blue is also a dilute black.

Can tortoiseshell cats have white?

Calico cat or tortoiseshell and white

To fill out the question, it is asking if tortoiseshell cats can have some white fur in addition to the usual black plus orange tabby and the answer is yes but in the United States they refer to tortoiseshell cats with some white fur as ‘calico cats’. In the UK the cat fancy has …

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What is fawn colour in cats?

Fawn Abyssinian cat

Introduction I have to make an initial point about colour reproduction. When it comes to fine and precise colour reproduction photography can be unreliable. There are numerous reasons for this including the lighting, the reproduction in books and on the Internet and so on. Therefore you can’t really expect an exact reproduction of the …

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