Are male, orange tabby cats the most friendly?

Butterball a rescue cat.

Having read a lot about domestic cats, I sense that the general feeling is that male, orange tabby cats are, in general, friendlier than the average domestic cat. National Geographic reported that they are the most gregarious and that a cat’s personality is linked to their coat colour. The gene that makes the fur …

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Picture of lentigo simplex cat

Lentigo in an orange cat

You know those black freckles on the tip of the nose, gums, eyelids and the lips of an orange (ginger, yellow, red) cat? You have probably seen them and wondered what they were and if they were a health problem. Well, they are not a health problem and the experts call this skin ‘disorder’ …

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Five Names For Red Cats

Orange cats

Geneticists call red cats ‘orange’! Cat breeders describe them as ‘red’. The general public say they are ‘ginger’ while story-tellers refer to them as ‘marmalade cats’. They are also still referred to as ‘yellow cats’ by some people. The confusion over the description of red cats reminds me of the various names for the …

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Florida: Beautiful Red Tabby Cat Needs New Home

Hello kitty lovers! My name is Garfield. I am a two year-old neutered declawed male tabby cat, who lives in the south of the good ole USA – in the Central Florida area. No matter how hard I try to figure out the reason why my guardian bestowed that moniker on me, I continue …

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