We like pets that look like babies

We tend to like pets that look like babies and some breed standards go for that look: round heads and big eyes. Do all breeders understand the consequences of their actions? I am not against dog and cat breeders. I am against people who hurt animals or create animals that hurt. There are several …

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Tigers as Pets: The Pinnacle of Self-indulgence

There are many declawed and even detoothed tigers as pets. People like to think they are sort of overgrown tabby cats. They just have to have one, in the same way they have to have a new and larger car or the biggest fridge. Of course a 400 pound tiger eats 5,000 pounds of …

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The Tip of a Cat’s Nose

This is a discussion about the tip of the cat’s nose and a follow up to my page on a condition called “Bengal Nose”. The tip of a cat’s nose is a triangle of skin and is made up of nostrils, the nasal plane (planum nasale) and the philtrum (a groove). This area is …

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Are Cat Breeds Less Healthy than Random-bred Cats?

I don’t think you can generalize and say that cat breeds are less healthy than the rest of the cats. There is, though, a feeling that inbreeding, a part of creating cat breeds, leads to less healthy animals because inbreeding brings forward recessive genes associated with deleterious health issues. Breeders inbreed (selectively breed) to …

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Immune systems of cats weakened by Cesarean births?

Is it possible that Cesarean births of kittens are responsible for immune related and undefined health problems in pedigree, purebred cats (and less often, in random bred cats)? Apparently, Persian cats are prone to difficulties giving birth and C-sections are sometimes performed on this breed of cat. Persians with Siamese have the highest rate …

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Persian Cat Inbreeding is on Prime Time News

by Michael (London, UK) Persian cat with extreme flat face and health probems 9th April 2009 – Some 20 minutes ago I was watching prime time news in the UK on Channel 5. I was surprised to see that Persian cat inbreeding is on prime time news as a major news story. I have …

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Burmese Cat Health

Burmese Cat

by Michael (London, UK) This page on Burmese Cat Health is in addition to the information on the Burmese cat page. Firstly, I would like to expand on the well-known and disastrous “head defect”. Ross D Clark, DVM in his book “Medical, Genetic & Behavioral Aspects of Purebred Cats” states that this is a …

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