Should domestic cats eat raw meat?

Canned mouse or vole would be ideal cat food

Introduction Raw meat properly handled, stored and prepared with correct supplements to ensure that it is balanced and complete is arguably the best cat food as cats are obligate carnivores as we all know but few people are in a position to successfully serve it up to their cats. There are strong arguments from …

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Why do domestic cats love corn on the cob?

Cat eats corn on the cob like a human

I am not sure that all domestic cats like corn on the cob but judging by the number of questions asked on the Internet about cats eating corn on the cob and also judging by the video on this page of a cat eagerly gobbling up corn on the cob, it has its attractions …

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Expensive cat food can be 25 times more expensive than the cheapest. Is it worth it?

Cost of cat food chart

The experts at the Clinical Nutrition Service say that “The yearly costs ranged from $86 to over $2,100” when assessing the price range of wet and dry cat foods in the United States. The infographic below shows the range. It is entirely based on their assessment. The cheapest dry food costs 23 cents a …

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A cat’s cunning or coincidence? Trapping birds or likes to eat bird seed?

Napoleon, stalking prey this summer

by Phil (London, UK) I have three wonderful cats, a seven-and-a-half-year-old moggie called Triftji, and a pair of Egyptian Maus, Sinbad and Napoleon, both eighteen months old. There have been several amusing incidents with my little Maus, but one in particular really tickled me recently. There was an amusing incident this morning with the …

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Are euthanised pets in pet food?

Pet food labelling misleading re animal species

Yes, according to 2 sources. This article is about American pet food. I have read a couple of excellent sources on this topic which I am revisiting after about 10 years. 10 years ago, I said that rescue cats and dogs that were killed at shelters end up at rendering plants supplying pet food …

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A vegetarian cat? No. But manufactured vegetarian cat food containing all the necessary nutrients. Yes.

Vegetarian cat food

This page is in two parts. The first part was written about 13 years ago. The second part was written recently and is an updating section. The page has been checked, refreshed and republished as at January 13, 2022. This is necessary because everything changes. Certainly, the market in cat foods and particularly vegan …

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