Texas had its very own saber-toothed tiger

Saber-toothed tiger

RELATED: Saber Tooth Tiger Here’s a summary of the study titled “The scimitar-cat Homotherium from the submerged continental shelf of the Gulf Coast of Texas”: Researchers from The University of Texas at Austin made an intriguing discovery using an unassuming fossil. The fossil, which initially appeared as a lumpy, rounded rock with exposed teeth, …

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Did the Vikings bring the first domestic cats to North America?

Vikings brought the cat to North America?

There’s been quite a lot of discussion about the first domestic cats in America. We are sure that early Americans, around 10,000 years ago, did not domesticate a wild cat species and thereby create the first domestic cat. That happened in and around what is now Syria with the North African wildcat. So, the …

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The Dutch Cats of New York City

NYC feral cats are from Dutch stock

When people move home, they take their cat companion. This has been going on for thousands of years. It is how the domestic cat has spread throughout the world. For example, the Romans did quite a bit of empire building and moving which meant exporting the domestic cat far and wide. The first domestic …

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