Social media influencers created by artificial intelligence are perfect and you won’t know the difference

Virtual social media influencer

The world of social media advertising is changing dramatically. Artificial intelligence is seeing to that. AI computer programs can now create hyper-realistic virtual influencers and you won’t know the difference between them and the real thing. As you can imagine, the army of genuine human social media influencers, particularly on TikTok, are very worried …

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4 brands dump Aussie influencer, Emma Claiir, after she admitted killing two cats when a child

Emma Claiir admits killing 2 cats as a child

NEWS AND COMMENT: This story illustrates how brands rapidly distance themselves from any partner with whom they work who’s been involved in animal abuse. And it doesn’t seem to matter whether it happened many years ago when the person was very young. Animal abuse is a no-no for businesses who use Instagram influencers to …

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