The most vulnerable time for a domestic cat is when their owner is away on holiday

Nema Benati and here Chinchilla Persian, Bartolo, who was lost while Nema was on holiday and Bartolo was with family

This is a little note about the vulnerability of domestic cats when their owner goes away on holiday. A cat detective, Said Beid, in Italy who is currently searching for a chinchilla Persian who lives with a social media influencer, Nima Benati, said that he is busiest when cat owners go away on holiday …

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Does a pet microchip prove legal ownership?

Bob the cat is all over the news!

The details on a microchip inserted into a cat or dog do not prove unquestionably that the person stated in those details is the legal owner of the dog or cat concerned. Although, the details provide good evidence that the owner is as stated in the microchip details. To stress, though, they are not …

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Pet cats missing after homeless encampment bulldozed in San Jose, California

Clearing out the San Jose encampment

NEWS AND VIEWS – SAN JOSE, UNITED STATES: Nathan Winograd has told me about a news item which is concerning to animal advocates. The NBC video covers it nicely. And the video mentions the problem with disappearing cats. Nathan Winograd summarises it nicely too: The recent sweep of a homeless encampment in San Jose …

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When up to 20 cats go missing in a small village it’s the fault of the cats’ owners?

George was last seen by his owners on November 11 and fears are increasing over his safety

NEWS AND COMMENT – THORNHILL, CUMBRIA, UK: This is one of those stories that comes to the surface occasionally. Up to 20 cats (believed 9 confirmed) have gone missing from a small village of just 915 residents. When that many cats go missing from a smallish area there has to be somebody who is …

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