‘Hello Kitty’ is an anthropomorphized cat transmogrified into a girl 5 apples tall

Hello Kitty is a girl living in London who is 5 apples tall and weighs 3 apples

You have probably heard that the moneymaking machine called ‘Hello Kitty’ is not a cat as many people had believed but in fact a little girl five apples tall and weighing three apples. A teeny, tiny human. But the truth is – for me – that Hello Kitty is somewhere between cat and human. …

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Krazy Cat Cartoon

A still from the video below The thread that runs through this very early cartoon cat series (the Krazy Cat cartoon started in 1910) is an unusual relationship between Krazy Cat and a mouse called Ignatz Mouse, in which the mouse repeatedly throws a brick at the cat (and connects) and the cat treats …

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