cat deterrents
Real, sensible backyard cat deterrents without gimmicks
The internet is full of articles featuring gimmicky cat deterrents while providing advice to neighbours of cat owners who want to keep the cats off their backyard (garden in the UK). Some might work to some extent but they are often overblown and hyped up to make the article more interesting and to help …
Infographic on herb Rue as a cat repellent
This page is on one topic. Rue as a cat repellent. A rather specialist topic don’t you think? I have never tried it and I suspect that in all honesty it has modest success but that would be a good result as there are few if any really effective cat repellents available to dedicated …
Gardeners’ tips and tricks to deter neighbours’ cats from using their gardens as a toilet!
This post is about some tips and tricks that gardeners might employ if they are concerned about neighbours’ cats coming into their garden, digging around in the soil and going to the toilet. It happens and it causes an enormous amount of upset to the dedicated gardener who has spent donkeys years cultivating their …
New ‘hack’ – used tea bags sprayed with Deep Heat to keep cats off your garden?
David Domoney, a British celebrity horticulturalist, has a ‘hack’ for keeping cats off your garden. He said: “One of the things that has worked effectively for me in the past is to save tea bags and spray them with a muscle heat spray, like Deep Heat.” Right, that’s it. The hack of the century. …
Does vinegar repel cats?
Is vinegar a successful domestic cat deterrent? I wanted to answer the question scientifically. I wanted some hard evidence discovered in a scientific study. I failed to find such a study and therefore I have to rely on what is called anecdotal evidence i.e. what people think. And when you research what people think …
Rue is a plant that may work as a cat deterrent when crushed
Rue (Ruta graveolens) is a herb that was referred to as a cat deterrent in the first century AD by the Roman author Pliny in his massive book Natural History. This deterrent has a very long and distinguished pedigree. Excuse the pun. Not only did the Roman author Pliny mention it those many years …
Picture of a domestic cat happily crouching on tin foil
The sound and appearance of tin foil does not affect all domestic cats equally it seems 😃. The picture confounds the world view of domestic cats as creatures that are terrified of tin foil which it is used quite a lot as a cat deterrent in the home. An ugly deterrent I have to …