Flea treatments can kill or cause harm: please read the instructions and use caution

Flea treatment insecticides pollute rivers and streams

Flea treatments can kill. This sounds a bit dramatic but it is true. The spot-on flea treatments can kill your cat. And if they don’t kill your cat, they can make your cat ill. That is not to say that they are inherently dangerous – they are not. In fact, they are very effective …

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Cat fleas and treatments – comprehensive page

Cat flea

Before I write about cat flea treatment, I would like to discuss cat fleas generally. Some time ago I wrote a succinct post on the life cycle of the cat flea – fascinating..:). There are other posts from visitors (and me!) too. Here is a nice selection: Update 16th October 2010: The Cat Flea: …

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8 reasons why you should flea comb your cat daily

There are several advantages to combing your cat with a flea comb

There are 8 welfare benefits and therefore reasons to combing your shorthaired cat with a flea comb. The benefits concern cat and owner. It should be a proper flea comb designed for cats and of decent quality. Sometimes you see flea combs which are not going to do the job because the teeth are …

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Are flea collars safe for kittens?

Cat flea collar

Flea collars are not safe for kittens unless you talk to a good veterinarian first and even then I’d consider them fundamentally unsafe but that’s a personal view. I have strong views about these products and the use of pesticides on pets. It’s essential that you take advice on these products because they are …

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Cat and dog flea treatments harm river life

Fipronil in cat and dog spot on flea treatments

Companion animal flea treatment pesticides, fipronil and imidacloprid, are ending up in rivers where they harm marine wildlife and insects such as dragonflies, mayflies and beetles. Fipronil is the main ingredient in the well known and well used Frontline flea treatment for cats. It’s an insecticide which disrupts the insect’s central nervous system causing …

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Cat and Dog Flea Treatments Are Polluting Rivers

Flea treatment insecticides pollute rivers and streams

Imidacloprid a neonicotinoid insecticide used in some cat flea treatments such as Advantage II pollutes streams and rivers where it harms birds and other animals and kills insects inhabiting these areas such as mayflies. Other cat flea insecticides will no doubt also find their way to watercourses. The chemicals gets there in various ways. These insecticides need to be banned.

Dog ‘Spot On’ flea treatment packaging needs to be changed to protect cats

The Pet Poison Helpline makes it clear that topical spot-on insecticides for dogs is one of the most common ways to poison a cat. The dog spot-on treatments contain an insecticide which is highly toxic to cats: pyrethrins or pyrethroids. The poisoning is life-threatening. Cats can suffer severe drooling tremors and seizures. Many cat …

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