by Gail (Boston, USA) Senator Scott Brown – photo Luke X. Martin (Flickr) I received a voice mail from Carolyn at Senator Scott Brown’s office today. I believe the call came in yesterday; unfortunately, I was out sick as I really would’ve liked to speak with her. She confirmed that Senator Scott Brown got …

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A chance to help educate about declawing

by (California, United States) Spike using his claws to grasp and manipulate his cat nip toy. We are looking for film footage and photos of declawed cats for a documentary (we will not accept or condone any footage taken of cats declawed for the purpose of the request of this post). For example, …

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A Declawed Cat CAN’T Do This!

Lola Lola on the fridge Hammin’ it up Lola and baby Furby   A declawed cat can’t do this. At least I don’t believe one can. I was fortunate to capture this video of our first and queen cat Lola opening a new bag of cat food for our rather large cat family. Lola …

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