US animal shelter ‘industry’ accused of endemic uncaring attitude and corruption

Hope a Yorkshire terrier stolen by an animal control officer

Well, this is a bit of a shocker: Nathan Winograd says this about the animal shelter ‘industry’ in the US in commenting about an animal control officer who stole a dog: A New York animal control officer was arrested for stealing Hope, a family’s 9-year-old dog. After Hope was found by a neighbor and …

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Puppy stolen by armed intruder reunited with owners in 24 hours – infographic plots course of events

Dog theft caught on CCTV

I decided to tell the bare bones of this story in a picture, an infographic, because I think it leads itself to that kind of presentation. It is an interesting and unusual story as only one in four stolen dogs are reunited with their owners in the UK. Many other dogs are not so …

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