We can thank President Yoon’s wife for South Korea’s ban on dog meat

보신탕 dog meat dish from South Korea

NEWS AND OPINION: This is a story about the power of women behind leading politicians who can mould policies and influence male decision-makers. Yes, it is still a male world, regrettably. And look what they are doing to it. I recently wrote about South Korea’s intention to ban dog meat in their country. For …

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Cambodia’s children are being discouraged to regard dogs as meat

NoToDogMeat education session in classroom in Cambodia

The dog and cat meat trade in Cambodia is thriving as it is in China and other Far Eastern countries. There is, however, a slight awakening towards the immorality, as I would describe it, of this business. There are green shoots as they say of a different relationship between these companion animals and the …

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Torturing dogs to death to improve the taste of their ‘meat’ is scientifically INCORRECT

There is a tweet on Twitter today which reminds me that in the huge dog meat market in Asia, mainly China, they believe that if they torture the dogs to death by beating them and in other horrible ways, they improve the taste of the “meat” that the dogs produce because of the adrenaline …

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