Remote Scottish island overrun by feral cats sparking concern for wildlife

Remote Scottish island overrun by feral cats sparking concern for wildlife

The headline is somewhat startling. Australians, reading this article, would be horrified because the authorities in Australia are super-sensitive to feral cat predation of native species. And the reason why feral cats are on the island of Australia is because of human carelessness in the first-place hundreds of years ago. And here, today, we …

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Cats would be better pets if they weren’t great predators

The domestic cat is a top predator. Should we live with them?

Many cat owners might say that their domestic cat companion is an excellent pet. I’m going to say something which is almost heretical and something which sounds anti-cat as if said by a cat hater. But I’m not; I am a cat lover and a realist. And with that character trait, I have to …

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12 bad things that can happen when your cat brings in a mouse

Cat catches a mouse and brings it into the home and causes negative consequences for the owner

Last night my cat brought in a mouse. And a lot of things happened which were negative to my life and one thing that was negative to his as it happens. I’ll list them here. There you have a dozen negatives impacting my life just because I live with a top line predator who …

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Independent newspaper’s BIASED headline about the feral cat threat to the Kangaroo Island dunnart

Kangaroo Island dunnart and stray cat

NEWS AND COMMENT-KANGAROO ISLAND, AUSTRALIA: The headline on the online version of the Independent newspaper is: “Tiny marsupial that survived wildfires now under threat by feral cats”. The headline is based upon research from the University of Adelaide in Australia. I am unable to read that research because I don’t have access to it …

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Rare photo of a feral cat in battle with the venomous mulga snake

Australian feral cat kills a venomous mulga snake

This is a rare photograph of an Aussie feral cat (much hated by Aussies) killing a venomous mulga snake. The cat has blood on his nose and mouth. From the photo it is not entirely clear that the cat won the battle but it’s clear enough. The cat looks fine. He appears to have …

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Rats or cats? Which is the worst for killing island species?

Archipelagos are a cluster of islands and the species living there are vulnerable to introduced species like rats and cats

Every scientific paper that you read regarding the extinction of native species on small islands in archipelagoes always refer to cats and rats as the top two culprits. One scientific study starts, “Invasive rats are one of the world’s most successful animal groups that cause native species extinctions and ecosystem change, particularly on islands”. …

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Do feral cats eat snakes?

Feral cats of Australia feed on geckos and many other reptiles including venomous snakes

Yes, feral cats do eat snakes, even venomous species, but it depends where the feral cat lives as this determines whether there are snakes to be eaten. Certainly in Australia there are plenty of snakes, some of which are venomous. As reported by, a study from Murdoch University in Australia revealed the prey …

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