Teacher has a “second job” helping feral cats three hours every evening

Gerry a feral cat neutered under Emma Manning's TNR work

After Emma Manning spends the day teaching she usually spends three hours in the evenings trapping, arranging for their spaying and neutering, and releasing feral cats (CBC reports). “So I would say it’s almost like working two full-time jobs.” This is the level of dedication and commitment Emma Manning has for the feral cats …

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Marin feral cat population is being managed properly

Marin Friends of Ferals -Career Cat Program for feral cats

This is an example of how a local feral cat population can be properly managed. It’s happening in Marin County, USA. Janet Williams, the co-founder and president of Marin Friends of Ferals, explains what she means by feral cats being managed properly. Janet has worked with feral cats in and around Marin for 14 …

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Got an old washing machine? Use it as a cat shelter.

Old washing machines used for cat homes1

A veterinarian in Portugal, supported by the local council has started an imaginative program of providing individual shelters for stray and feral cats using old washing machines. I am referring to the ones that you load horizontally of course. I realise that in the US there are some enormous vertical loading machines. It sounds …

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‘Unadoptable’ cat becomes adoptable after disappearing and becoming trapped in a basement garage

Tawny a dilute torbie cat

Mark D Swartz is retired and cares for feral cats. At the moment he is the guardian for 6 indoor, and about 7 outdoor cats. He works with a local rescue group who help with spaying and neutering. Mark calls it a ‘mystical experience’. He called one of his cats “Tawny’ because of her …

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Why I admire people who help stray and feral cats

Feral cats - a family

You’ll never encounter a bad person involved in helping feral and stray cats. In stark contrast you’ll see lots of bad people, normally the male of the species, involved in crass and ignorant criminal behaviour in abusing feral cats, shooting at them, kicking them, poisoning them and harassing the good people who are helping …

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A Feral Cat’s Tale Part 2

A Feral Cat’s Tale Part 2 by Eve (NY) Homeless cat – photo added by Michael (Admin) to illustrate page. Photo copyright Stockxpert. Writing the original submission was very important for me. So many people are under the mistaken assumption that cats are somehow supposed to be outdoors, able to fend for themselves, and …

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