Coronavirus causing cat FIP and coronavirus causing human Covid-19 distinguished

Novel Coronavirus

Currently, there is tendency, because of the plethora of information and news online about the coronavirus pandemic, to blur the boundaries between a long standing feline disease called Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) and Covid-19 which infects people but which came from wild animals (probably bats). It is confusing to laypeople, I have to admit. …

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What percentage of cats have herpes?

Prevalence of FHV-1

The question in the title is online and appears to be asking for the percentage of cats that are suffering from or have suffered from the herpesvirus group. It causes feline viral rhinotracheitis – FVR. One study states ‘33% of the cats with respiratory tract disease were FCV positive’ 2. Another states: ‘Following exposure …

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What is vertical transmission of pathogens in cats?

Horizontal and vertical transmission of disease in cats

Whereas horizontal transmission of pathogens (germs) is between one cat to another both of whom are not in a parent to child relationship, vertical transmission is between mother and offspring as a foetus or kitten in utero. For example, feline parvovirus can be spread vertically if the queen (mother cat) becomes infected whilst pregnant. …

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Can I catch a cold from my cat?

I catch a cold from my cat?

Can I catch a cold from my cat? No, you can’t. Most infectious diseases are species-specific. They only affect a specific species and cannot jump between species. When a cat catches a cold it is a viral infection. Veterinarians call it: Feline Viral Respiratory Disease Complex. They are highly contagious between cats and can …

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My previous cat was euthanised after having feline herpesvirus. Do I need to clean the whole house before I get another cat?

Feline viruses

I received a question from a visitor to my website which is published below. I recently had to have my cat put down. She was a feral and she had the feline herpesvirus. Unfortunately, I was unable to administer any meds because she went crazy if anyone wanted to pick her up let alone …

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