A slightly injured bridge of a domestic cat’s nose is not unusual (picture)

Cats nose slightly injured

I think this is mildly instructional as many domestic cats suffer minor injuries to the bridge of their nose. Domestic cats are inquisitive. They like to sniff objects to discover what they are. They like to force their head into small spaces sometimes as part of this inquisitive behaviour. This can only result in …

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16 facts about high-rise syndrome in cats

Cat has conversation with hooded crow on high rise building

Here are 16 facts about high-rise syndrome in domestic cats. In some parts of the world high-rise syndrome is relatively common and those places will be conurbations where there is a high human population density such as Singapore. RELATED: Longest non-lethal fall in feline history. “High-rise syndrome” refers to a collection of injuries sustained …

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Cat suffered minor injuries after becoming trapped in the metal component of a reclining sofa

Cat stuck under recliner and hurt

This is the distressed face of a Persian cat named MyLady who suffered numerous minor injuries after becoming trapped in the metal component of a reclining sofa. Cat trapped under recliner. You can see the injury. The poor kitty’s cries could be heard over the phone as his owner contacted an animal rescue team …

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Glue traps are a potential danger to cats

Cat trapped in a glue trap

Glue traps are a potential danger to cats. They are legal in the USA and the UK to the best of my knowledge. They are pest control devices. They kill ‘pests’ by gluing them to a board where they starve to death. A cruel device. They are banned in e.g., British Columbia, Canada, and …

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