Discussing methods and drugs in tranquilizing a lion or other big cat with a dart

Kimba and escaped lion tranquilised

I was prompted to write about this topic after reading a new story, today, about a lion, Kimba, which escaped from a circus near Ladispoli, north-west of Rome, Italy. The lion prowled the small town’s streets resulting in a curfew for the residents. The police were called and they contacted an expert, Bisegna, on …

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Sometimes male cats can’t be neutered for this reason

Feliway diffuser may stop this

Sometimes male cats cannot be neutered. And it is entirely legitimate to leave them unsterilised and “whole”. This occurs when the cat cannot be put under a general anaesthetic. A veterinarian needs to put a male cat under a general anaesthetic to remove their testes. A cat with early-stage hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) or any …

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Tragedy as female cat suffers catastrophic reaction to general anesthetic

Man comforts his female cat who suffered a catastrophic reaction to a general anesthetic for a spaying operation

This cat video made me feel sick. A tragedy. What can you say about this story? It is your worst nightmare as a cat caregiver. You take your cat to the vet for a standard spaying operation and she is destroyed by it. We don’t know what happened but it must have been the …

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