Memorable appearance of a blind cat in Oman

Extraordinary photo of Oman blind cat: Moet

Moet is a blind cat living in Oman. She is all-white and became blind in both eyes through neglect. We are not told what happened but the blindness is almost certainly due to an untreated secondary bacterial infection after a viral upper respiratory infection. Bacterial infections of the eyes in young cats can destroy …

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After 14 years family get rid of their 20-year-old blind cat

Abby - a 20-year-old blind cat abandoned by owners

This is bizarre and sad. Blind Cat Rescue (BCR), an immensely popular organisation on Facebook, tell us in a recent post that Abby is now 20 years of age and nicely rehomed at BCR. It is very strange that Abby was taken to Animal Control to be euthanised by her owners because ‘they didn’t …

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Lady adopts three blinded sibling cats to keep them together

In Dubai, three abandoned tabby cats living in a warehouse had become blind because of a viral infection which appears to have developed into a secondary, bacterial infection which had destroyed the eyes of the three siblings, one male and his two sisters. They were rescued. The male cat’s name is Blue. He was …

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