Cancer In Cats | Insights From Scientific Research

Cancer In Cats Insights From Scientific Research

Cats, just like humans and any other animal, can have cancer during their lifetime. Molecularly speaking, cancer in cats develops because something within a single cell of their body went wrong. This is often a change in the cell’s DNA, or a change that affects how well a cell can grow and divide. Once …

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Is chemotherapy for cats worth it?

Cat on chemo

I am not a veterinarian but I can rely on Ben the Vet on TikTok and other veterinarians to provide a good answer to the question in the title. And, actually, it is quite a straightforward question to which I am able to provide a good answer. There are two key points: Limited side …

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Passive smoking affects cats – both cigarette and marijuana smoke

Passive smoking can harm cats

This is a reminder that passive smoking affects pets as much as it does people. I find that this is rarely discussed but it is a form of animal abuse that goes on silently, almost invisibly, in the background. The information should apply to all kinds of passive smoking; cigarette smoke and for instance …

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Compensation mesothelioma – cats and dogs

Derelict buildings may contain asbestos

Companion cats and dogs can develop mesothelioma like humans. Mesothelioma is a devastating asbestos-related illness; an aggressive and deadly type of cancer. For a cat to get it they would have to be exposed to asbestos fibers and therefore they would normally be indoor/outdoor cats although some homes have asbestos embedded in their construction …

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Radical mastectomy for female cats cost $3,000 (plus teeth clean thrown in)

Radical mestectomy for cats cost 3000 dollars

If it interests you, a radical mastectomy for cats cost around three grand. This would be in dollars or pounds and I am pretty sure that most European countries would charge something similar except for the Eastern European countries where it would be considerably cheaper. Would the standard be the same? A Twitter user: …

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