Your Cat Hospice

The intention of this page is to share a personal experience concerning cat caretaking in the hope that it might help cat owners and cats. We have just been to the veterinary clinic with Cardi, a small female tabby cat. There is a picture of her on this page with lots of detail about …

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Informed Consent For Cat Vaccinations

All vets should provide full information to cat caretakers about the pros and and cons of cat vaccinations so that they can consent to the procedure armed with all the information that they need to make a good decision that is in the interests of the cat. What percentage do? Alternatively, the vet can …

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Feline Brain Tumor

Feline Brain Tumor by Michael (London, UK) Feline brain tumors are rare. Lymphosarcoma is the most common tumor of the central nervous system. The brain is part of the central nervous system. Different forms of lymphosarcoma affect different parts of the body1. This form of cancer affects the spaces around the brain and spinal …

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Feline Fibrosarcoma

Tuxedo cat (healthy but may be suffering a mild form of Feline Hyperesthesia)- see below for rights Feline Fibrosarcoma are highly malignant, highly aggressive, tumors. The word “sacrcoma” means cancer of the supportive or connective tissue. Just below the dermis of the skin is the epidermis. The epidermis is made up of connective tissue. …

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Feline Lymphoma and Secondhand Cigarette Smoke

by Elisa Black-Taylor (USA) Cat Smoking – photo by NoHoDamon (Flickr) Good morning everyone…Today I’d like to talk about a study conducted in 2002 concerning feline lymphoma and secondhand cigarette smoke. The information gathered back then by scientists at Tufts School of Veterinary Medicine and the University of Massachusetts in a study called Environmental …

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