Feline cerebellar hypoplasia – ‘wobbly cats’

Pablo and Bones suffer from ataxia due to cerebellar hypoplasia

Feline cerebellar hypoplasia in simple language means the underdeveloped (hypoplasia) cerebellum (a part of the brain) of the cat. This is caused by a viral infection that is transmitted from the mother to the kitten either during pregnancy or shortly after birth. The virus is Feline Panleukopenia (Feline Distemper). Cerebellar hypoplasia is sometimes referred …

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Adorable synchronised walk from cats with ataxia

Pablo and Bones suffer from ataxia due to cerebellar hypoplasia

These cats are adorable and they are best mates and great cat companions. They both have to deal with the challenge of ataxia – poor coordination due to cerebellar hypoplasia. The condition is stable and does not deteriorate. It is a congenital condition. The brain’s cerebellum – the coordination centre of the brain – …

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