Infographic on hip dysplasia in Maine Coon cats

Maine Coon with a hint of tiger

This is a cross-post with another website which happens to be dedicated to Maine Coon cats. As far as I’m concerned, it is a crying shame that this magnificent domestic cat – probably the largest domestic cat breed – is so blighted by a genetic inheritance which in 25% of adults cripples them. It …

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Hip Dysplasia in Cats

Maine Coon with human face

In this article on hip dysplasia in cats, I refer to a research study entitled, “Hip Dysplasia: A Feline Populations Study by GG Keller DVM MS et al, dated 1999 and published by Wiley InterScience. Short quotes that are permitted under license are from this paper. “There were 684 cats from 12 breeds. The …

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