Comparing cat and dog ages with human age in a table (and more)

Cat and dog age comparison to human age

It is perhaps quite interesting to compare how both cats and dogs age in comparison to humans. You’ll see a lot of cat age charts compared to human age and likewise you’ll see the same for dogs but how about a direct cat to dog comparison? There are complications! There would be wouldn’t there. …

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Lifespans of some purebred and random-bred domestic cats UK (some startling stats)

Lifespan of selected purebred cats UK

A study (2017) discussed the differences in health and longevity between purebred and random-bred (also known as crossbred) domestic cats. It mentions that purebred dogs have been extensively studied and have wide variation in longevity and common diseases across breeds. In contrast, pet cats have been less altered from their wild ancestors and have …

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Do some cat breeds live longer than others?

Yes, it is probably fair to say that some cats of some cat breeds live slightly longer than other cats. However, there are no scientific studies which supports the notion that the cats of some breeds live longer than the cats of other breeds. This is about anecdotal evidence. It’s about what some people …

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Cats that live the longest?

Handsome bobcat

The question is a bit ambiguous but I believe it can be rephrased as follows: “Which species of cat has the longest lifespan on average?”. I have to include the word “average” because there will always be individual cats who have very long lifespans but we can’t say that because one cat of a …

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What cats live the longest?

Poppy and Geoff. Poppy is 27

It probably helps to divide up the world of cats into five brackets when answering the question in the title. The reason for this is because each group has, in general, a different lifespan. Random bred domestic cats living in good homes Purebred domestic cats living in good homes Stray and feral cats Wild …

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28-year-old cat looks much younger than her age. What’s the secret?

28-year-old cat looks much younger

Lady is 28-years-of-age, getting on for a record. This is around 10 years older than a good average age for a domestic cat and yet she looks a lot younger than her age. What’s the secret? I am sure Lady is a record breaker of some sort; perhaps the oldest domestic cat in the …

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