A cat should never be disturbed while toileting on a litter tray

A cat should never be disturbed for any reason while toileting on a litter tray. Here is a really nice example of how things can go wrong. Serena Cuthbertson’s cat, Fantasia, was ill and her vet prescribed pills. Serena had to administer them. We know how tricky that can be. After a few successful …

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When is putting a cat on a leash acceptable?

Is the answer, never? I know a lot of people don’t like cats on a leash like a dog. I can understand that. Some of my esteemed colleagues on PoC don’t like them. Perhaps all of you don’t like them. I have to gently disagree on this occasion (rare). Please give this video time …

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Electric Training Collars Can Cause Psychological Damage

Although this refers to dogs it is actually about punishment as a way of training animals including cats. Lots of people including cat behaviorists recommend punishment as a way of training a cat. Squirting water at a cat is an example. You can buy devices that scare cats. Even shouting at a cat or …

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For Kids: About Cat Punishment

Most kids know about punishment. I do. I was punished when I was a kid. I was punished when I was naughty. I knew I had been naughty. I also knew that I was being punished because I had been naughty. Sometimes the punishment was hard. I was hit with a cane or a …

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The Demanding and Noisy Cat

Does your cat make incessant, meowing demands for food or something else that you find irritating? Bengal cats have a demanding sort of meow that is similar to the Siamese meow. It is general accepted that Bengal cats can be more demanding than the typical random bred cat. It is the wild cat blood …

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Clicker Training Your Cat

By Elisa Black-Taylor Clicker training your cat is an activity that brings enjoyment to your cat through a reward, plus in a dangerous situation, it may even save your cats life. Many of you are likely clicker training your cat and don’t even realize it. While true clicker training involves, well, a clicker, other …

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