Peculiar cat names created by famous owners (infographic)

Peculiar cat names

Here are some ‘peculiar cat names’. Well, I’ve called them peculiar but perhaps they are not. They are just different and imaginative; non-standard, and I am thankful for it. It’s what you expect from the cat caregivers who created them. Mark Twain is a classic. He loved cats and was great with words. TS Elliot, the same. Baddiel is a comedian. He created a great cat name. I wonder if Vivien Leigh had problems with her Siamese cat pooping inappropriately?! She loved the exotic Siamese cat. In her day the breed was more exotic than it is today. And Feinstein’s Bing Clawsby is perfect.

Why did my boyfriend name our cat ‘Meow’

Cat named 'Meow'

Someone asked: Why did my boyfriend name our cat ‘Meow’? There is one clear winner for the reason. Your boyfriend has a sense of humour and he asked your cat what he’d like to be named. Your cat responded by meowing. End of discussion. Also your boyfriend may have thought there was a hidden …

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Unlucky Cat Names

Battersea Dogs and Cats Home tell us that cats with the names: Charlie, Princess and Tigger a more likely to be at their rescue re-homing facility than cats with other names. These are some of the more common cat names at the rescue facility. As for dogs, the same could be said for the …

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