Nicosia, Cyprus: 400 Protest at Kitten Killing

Intro: recently a kitten was killed in full view of restaurant clientele in Nicosia, the Greek part of Cyprus. The kitten was first bludgeoned with a stick and then kicked into the road. This is the story (opens new window). It has provoked outrage by many local people and the internet community of people …

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Stray dogs and cats. I am here.

This is a beautiful video about stray, unwanted dogs in Chile. It could just as easily be about stray, unwanted cats in America or England or anywhere. 8-). Could someone try this with cats somewhere in America or China, anywhere, and make a little video and then start a revolution in the way people …

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India Bans Animal Testing for Cosmetics

India is becoming Westernised. This is demonstrated in many ways including developments in respect of the relationship between citizens and companion animals. Recently, there was a first in the cat world: a cat show in India. There are purebred cats in India but they are yet to get a pedigree (a family history). They will in time when they might create a proper cat fancy.

The latest, extremely pleasing development in India is the banning of animal testing for cosmetics. It sounds obvious that animal testing by cosmetic companies should not happen but it was only totally banned recently in Europe. By “totally” I mean including banning the importation of cosmetics made with animal testing from outside the European Union as well as animal testing of cosmetics within Europe.

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Classic Tabby Cat I Feed: A Picture

This is the classic tabby cat that I feed. I can’t help it. He hisses like hell at me but he doesn’t mean it. It is just programmed behavior. Defensive. He wants to be loved…and fed. At the moment his “owner” is not feeding him because I am 😉 I know it is wrong in so many ways but I can’t say No to a cat who asks for anything. The cat’s owner should realise that and take charge.

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Red’s Memorial: Decision on Donations

This a follow up page to Remembering Red and the page on how to place charitable donations (both links open a new tab so you stay on this page). This is my selection subject to any further ideas. I have read all the comments which discussed where the money should go. Thank you very …

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It’s about time cities looked at licensing cats. Discuss

We are discussing the USA here. Calgary does it. Winnipeg is thinking about it. What do cat owners think about it? I am certain that most cat owners don’t like the idea of licensing cats because it curtails their freedoms (nanny state) and adds an extra expense to living. The anti-cat license lobby say …

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