Fat People Don’t Notice Fat Cats

by Michael It’s true. If you are overweight, even obese yourself, you tend to normalise the extra weight. Obese becomes fat and fat becomes normal and that applies to yourself, other people you see and your pets: cats and dogs. This is one factor that is fuelling the steady rise in obesity in cats …

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Recliner Chairs and Kittens

by Michael (London, UK) This is a short post on the hazard that recliner chairs pose to kittens and cats. I am particularly concerned for kittens because they are able to crawl into smaller spaces. The idea for the post came from Elisa’s article on cat accidents that can happen in the home. Recliner …

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Music For Cats And July 4th Fireworks

by Elisa Black-Taylor (USA) Cat + Fireworks=Terror! Good morning readers. Music for cats is going to be one of those fun stories where we can share thoughts and ideas on ways to entertain our cats when we just can’t be there for them. Especially with July 4th fireworks just around the corner. Several months …

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Declawing is BAD Neutering is GOOD!

by Ruth (England) Some people have the misconception that declawing a cat is no worse than neutering him or her. When vet nursing I assisted at many cat spays and castrations and cared for the cats as they recovered afterwards. Both sexes wake up peacefully. Males usually go home the same day,theirs is a …

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