Brilliant white, deaf Norwegian Forest Cat loves long cycle rides in London

Travis and Sigi

This is a story with lessons! Lots of them. It concerns a proactive, positive man, Travis Nelson, who suffered from depression to suicidal levels in San Francisco, California after he lost his job but successfully turned his life around while providing an exciting life full of mental stimulation for his brilliant white, clear blue-eyed, …

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Meghan Markle’s son Archie named after her cat who was named after a comic (updated)

Cat Archie and Meghan are approached by another of her moggies. I believe that she is stroking Archie. Photo: Splash News.

The choice of “Archie” is interesting because it involves a cat. Before Meghan Markle became world famous after marrying Prince Harry she had a cat in America whose name was Archie and she named her cat after a well-known comic called, you guessed it, Archie

Mike Tyson on insights into living with tigers and mountain lions

Mike Tyson being interviewed on a podcast

In a videoed podcast, Mike Tyson – puffing away on a spliff and clearly high to a certain extent – discussed what it was like to live with three tigers and then a mountain lion. His interviewers were also on cannabis. He doesn’t like talking about himself because it makes him feel uneasy. And …

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On Twitter when you search for the word “cat” you get a cat in a blender

The downward spiral on Twitter (alleged)

In this video, you see a commentator on Twitter (I do not know who he is) criticising Elon Musk for making things worse on that social media platform since he bought it. The man says that Musk go rid of 90% of Twitter employees which I think is incorrect and an exaggeration and in …

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Animals might feel more pain than the human-animal (Dawkins)

Gervais and Dawkins have similar thoughts on animal rights

Ricky Gervais and Richard Dawkins are very similar in their attitude and thoughts about animal rights. I admire them both. I am sure that their attitude is similar to millions of others. It certainly chimes totally with me. Gervais is a comedian and animal rights advocate and he is so important in the animal …

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What is the origin of the Cheshire Cat?

Cheshire cat

In Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland readers encounter a large, grinning cat lying on the hearth. Alice is told that the cat is grinning from ear to ear because they are from Cheshire but there’s no explanation as to why cats from that county in England (see map below) should be predisposed to smiling …

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Demi Moore poses in an itty-bitty leopard print bikini with her itty-bitty Chihuahua

Demi Moore and Pilaf

Demi Moore thinks that her Chihuahua, Pilaf, is very close to the world’s shortest dog record. She measures her sweet little dog using a $100 bill as you can see in the photograph. Celebrities like toy dogs as they can are able to accessorize their appearance with a cute pet. They can put their …

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Weird baby-faced, Russian dwarf Instagram star who loves cats and abuses them

Hasbulla Magomedov with his Scottish Fold type cat

NEWS AND OPINION: I don’t think you can get anything weirder than this in respect of a person’s relationship with their cat both in terms of the person looking extraordinary and the fact that he professes to love cats but hits his cat. Like I said, it’s weird. And it is tiresome really to …

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