List of categories of products and sample of specific products containing phenol (carbolic acid) which is toxic to cats

Phenol aka carbolic acid is poisonous to domestic cats

I recently wrote about a cat poisoned by Germolene because this antiseptic product for humans contains phenol; otherwise known as carbolic acid. It is found naturally. I agreed with Adrian Paul whose cat, Felix, was poisoned by phenol to try and compile a list of products containing phenol or carbolic acid to help cat …

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Infographic on 5 dangerous things in the home for cats

This is a visual reminder that the warm, secure home that domestic cats so often enjoy can be a hazardous place. As dangerous as outside the home in some instances. It depends on the quality of caregiving. Things like the human medication in the form of a pill on the bathroom floor can be …

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5 reasons why Tidy Cats Lightweight Litter is potentially dangerous to cats and caregivers


On May 31, 2014, I wrote an article entitled “Tidy Cats Lightweight Litter: Reports It Is Dangerous“. Over about eight years that page has consistently done well in terms of visits. I think it kicked off a big Internet discussion about the product which has encouraged me to revisit it. I wrote several other …

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New hazard to domestic cats: Nerf darts

There is a new domestic cat hazard on the block and it is Nerf darts. Anybody interested in providing high quality cat caregiving needs to be aware of this problem. If you live with a domestic cat companion and have children this is a genuine hazard to your cat. There are some horrendous stories …

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Cats responsible for 107 house fires in Seoul, South Korea in past 3 years. Discuss.

Cats can't turn on dial buttons

The Korea Herald has published a very short article with a very surprising headline: Cats responsible for 107 house fires in Seoul in past 3 yrs. The mind boggles. How could this have happened? That is the pressing question. And this is the answer that they have provided. According to the Seoul Metropolitan Fire …

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Cats at risk and children from Peloton treadmill

Boy's hands trapped under Peleton Tread+ treadmill

The US Consumer Product Safety Commission have warned parents and pet owners to stop using Peloton running machines because they pose a “serious risk” in homes. The warning specifically concerns Peloton’s Tread+ exercise machine. There have been 39 incidents including one death. I have seen cats accompanying their owners on these machines in videos …

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Scotch tape is a household hazard for domestic cats

Quincy a cat addicted to eating tape

I didn’t know it because I’ve never seen my cat try to eat Scotch tape i.e. transparent, one-sided tape that we all use, but too many cats like to sniff it, chew it and even eat it. Why do they do this? And is it dangerous? Well, you can answer the latter question very …

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