17 cats killed by a fire. Could they have been saved?

Cat hotel where 17 cats perished by smoke inhalation from smoke from another area of a mall

Once again, there is a story about cats being killed in a fire and I always notice that under these circumstances people are rarely killed. The people get out, but the cats don’t. In this instance a cat hotel (boarding cattery) was situated in a mall in Los Angeles. A part of the mall …

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14 cats resuscitated with oxygen and three given CPR

NEWS AND COMMENT-SINGAPORE: This is an exceptional firefighter cat rescue story in that, in all, 14 domestic cats were found on the floor in a Housing and Development Board (HDB) apartment which was filled with dense smoke when 20 responders including firefighters entered. The occupiers of the apartment and the owners of the cats …

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Great picture of firefighters administering oxygen to two cats rescued from a fire in Liverpool

Firefighters give oxygen to two domestic cats rescued from a fire

So what is the background to this picture? We see quite a lot of firefighters administering oxygen to cats in America and they are all wonderful pictures and examples of excellent human behaviour, but I think this is the best I’ve seen. It’s actually from the UK, which is unusual because, as mentioned, most …

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Picture of quizzical firefighter and agitated black cat

Picture of quizzical firefigher and agitated black cat

This is another nice firefigther/rescue cat picture. He looks slightly quizzically at the camera as if he is not sure if he makes a decent photo and the black cat is bound to be agitated. That goes with the territory as these are very traumatic moments for cats. The firefighters are invariably calm going …

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Picture of two Aussie firefighters cradling two tabby cats

Two Aussie firefighters and two tabby cats

I am a fan of firefighter-cat pictures! And this is a very nice one. One of the best. The guys are happy to have rescued a couple of tabby cats from a smoke filled apartment in Perth’s Central Business District. Smoke was seen at the apartment on Milligan Street in morning at about half …

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