Increase in cat and dog adoptions to combat the stir crazies but what next?

Cat at Dutch shelter

There are reports on both sides of the pond (US and UK) that there is an ongoing increase in cat and dog adoptions because of lockdowns during the coronavirus pandemic. Battersea Dogs & Cats Home has reported an increase from 29 cat adoptions last year at this time to 69 this year. That’s a …

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How does a cat foster carer say goodbye to a kitten like this?

Cat foster carer Ashley will struggle to release this kitten

The relationship is bound tightly with deep feelings from both sides. How can you break that just because you are a foster carer? — Michael I find it almost impossible to imagine giving up such as sweet rescue kitten as Cindy Lou Who. Ashley Morrison is Cindy Lou Who’s foster carer. This cute grey …

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Excellent picture of two week-old kitten Bianca being bottle-fed

Kitten being bottle fed

This is an excellent photograph by Olivia Esselman published on the Aiken Standard website. It was taken in the Aiken County Animal Shelter where they are promoting a new foster program to save lives. I really like this photograph. It caught my attention. Bianca and Sienna are a couple of two-week-old kittens who were …

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