Anticipatory grief on the imagined passing of your cat companion

Anticipatory grief for our cat companion occurs when we have suffered grief on the passing of a beloved pet under certain circumstances and we can foresee the same with our present cat companion or dog if the same circumstances seem likely to recur.

This is an emotion I have felt but never labelled. Now I know what it is: anticipatory grief. It’s another emotion to deal with when you foresee the loss of a beloved companion. Sandra McCune, visiting Professor in human-animal interaction in the schools of psychology and life sciences at the University of Lincoln, England …

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The ETHICS of pet freeze-drying

Freeze-drying your pet

Nobody discusses this topic! No even Psychology Today. There is quite a lot on the internet about freeze-drying your pet but nothing on the more important topic of whether it is ethical. So, what is frieze-drying your pet? Freeze-drying stops the decaying process by using a combination of very low temperature and vacuum application …

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Is it okay to grieve for a pet?

Grieving on the loss of a cat is entirely normal and to be expected

Is it okay to grieve on the loss of your cat companion? I am surprised that the question has been asked but Google found it and I’m going to answer in a way that millions of other people would answer it. It is entirely okay and entirely normal for a person to grieve on …

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