Minimizing Risks for the Outdoor Cat

For the cat allowed to go into the exciting outdoors, there are many dangers and there are ways to minimize them. Here are some suggestions. Train your cat to come when called. The thought of this might put some people off. It does me, somewhat, to be candid. A lot of people don’t like …

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Yanks versus Brits. Inside cats versus outside cats. Who is correct?

A one-size-fits-all directive which dogmatically states that all cats should live indoors or conversely be allowed to roam outside freely is not the best way as decisions should be tailored to each set of circumstances in the best interests of cat, the cat’s guardian, non-cat owners and wildlife. The rescue organisation I adopted Gabriel …

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Are the British too accepting of cats being run over?

In Britain we like to let our cats go outside. It is the default arrangement. Most cat owners don’t even think about alternatives. The domestic cat is allowed out of the home and that is it. There is no further discussion about it. We are known for it and our behaviour is in stark …

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Cat Containment Tips

We can see the gradual trend towards domestic cat confinement inside people’s homes and backyards in Australia.  In support of that trend and in further encouragement of it, RSPCA Australia has provided information entitled ‘cat containment tips’ within a document prepared by the government of Australian Capital Territory. This is what they recommend, in …

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Attitude shift in Australia to confining domestic cats 24/7

Australians are beginning to believe that domestic cats should be confined to the home and yard 24/7. Laws are changing attitudes. The signs are that there is an attitude shift amongst Australian citizens towards laws that confine domestic cats to their owner’s homes 24/7. The days of the free roaming indoor/outdoor domestic cat are …

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Normal for cat owners to feel guilty about not letting their cat outdoors

Dr Bruce Fogle, the well-known veterinarian and author, says: “Judging by what people tell me when they bring their cat to the clinic, it’s pretty much normal for owners to feel guilty about not letting their felines outdoors….” He then goes on to write that cat owners should not feel guilty about this because …

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