Study does NOT PROVE a causal link between cats and schizophrenia in the cats’ owners

Family with their domestic cat companion

This is a cross post. I feel obliged to try and make sure that cat owners understand the conclusions of a study referred to by many online newspapers. The study comes from Australia where arguably there is a strained relationship between domestic and feral cats and the population. Particularly feral cats which are denigrated …

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Very distressed child killed the family cat

Disturbed child

Jersey: Clinical psychologist, Miriam Silver, said that research showed that ‘very distressed’ children were cruel to animals. In this disturbing case from the island of Jersey in the English Channel of the coast of Northern France, two sibling children were subjected to incest and neglect and forced to eat off the kitchen floor. They …

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Should a mentally ill person be allowed to keep a cat?

Should a mentally ill person be allowed to keep a cat? I don’t think that this question has been asked before. I think it is a reasonable question. But please don’t misunderstand me. A cat companion to a person who has mental health issues and who is perhaps vulnerable from a mental health standpoint, …

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