Jekyll & Hyde cat reaction when petted. Infographic.

Cat's Jekyll and Hyde character when petted

Although people describe a cat’s sudden negative reaction to being petted as if they are Jekyll and Hyde characters, it is naturally logical and normal from the cat’s perspective. Cats react and interact instinctively. And by default, cats are cautiously defensive. Through socialisation, they have adapted to living in what is an unnatural environment …

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Dog switched on toaster and almost killed the family cat

Dog switches on a toaster

The Times headline is, “Cat was almost toast when dog started kitchen blaze”. A nice headline but obviously a serious connotation because the story describes a pet dog almost killing the family cat after starting a house fire by accidentally turning on the family’s toaster. Herbie is the name of the dog. They think …

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Dogs and cats can be the most difficult family ‘asset’ to divide in divorce

Cats and dogs can be the hardest to divide in divorce

Under the law in the UK, and in most other countries, cats and dogs are regarded as inanimate objects; in old-fashioned English they are “chattels”. To a couple who are divorcing they are far more than chattels. They are family members and there is often, nearly always, a close emotional bond between animal and …

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Some suggestions on why cat and dog veterinary visits are higher during a full moon

Full moon dangers for cats?

A study from Colorado State University College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences found that during a full moon there is a slight increase in veterinary visits for cats and dogs which on the face might be considered a little puzzling but I have provided some suggestions. These were emergency veterinary visits and the …

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Dr. Heather Ashton’s benzodiazepine guide is the exit from benzo addiction and withdrawal hell

Dr. Heather Ashton's benzodiazepine guide

Dr. Heather Ashton’s benzodiazepine guide is the exit from benzo addiction and withdrawal hell. This is not about cats, which is pretty obvious but indirectly it possibly is because quite a lot of people are on benzos as prescribed by their GP because they suffer from the effects of anxiety in its various forms …

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Gay man’s boyfriend cares more for his cats than him

Can the spouse/partner who doesn’t particularly like cats accept the partner who loves cats and loves spending time with them?

Although this agony aunt story is about cats and an ailurophile (cat lover) who loves his cats it is actually about any relationship be it gay or heterosexual. It doesn’t matter. It’s about accepting the other person for what they are in their totality and if you can’t then the relationship won’t work and …

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