Unknown cat brings dead birds to your front door and meows. What does it mean?

Cat brings bird to stranger's house

There is a stray cat in the community. You don’t know the cat and yet she consistently brings dead birds to your front door and meows until you come out. What does this mean? It isn’t unique but probably quite unusual. The way to try and understand this is to refer to the mother-kitten …

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Can domestic cats survive outside? Lady Godiva did.

Despite Lady Godiva's grumpy expression, the shelter says she's so sweet. Photo by Heart of Minnesota Animal Shelter

This is a poorly formulated question in my opinion by many people carrying out an Internet search using Google. What they mean is can a domestic cat survive outside without the intervention of a human caretaker? Or to put it another way, can a domestic cat leave their home and live in the wild …

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50% of stray cats have ear infections causing great discomfort. Are we happy to accept it?

Stray cats Italy

A study from Italy published in 2013 found a very high prevalence of otitis externa in stray cats. What is this? “Otitis” refers to inflammation of the ear. “Externa” refers to the external apparatus of the ear which means the ear canal and ear flap. So were talking about infections in the part of …

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95% of stray cats have worms and 57% scavenge potentially life-threatening refuse

Stray cat Australia

AUSTRALIA: A study published in 2020 highlights two major health problems concerning stray cats, namely parasites and the quality of the food that they eat. Stray cats are not feral cats. They are domestic cats that have strayed from their home for one reason or another. They might have got lost for instance. They …

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Do you think that stray, unwanted cats follow people because they’ve chosen them to live with?

Stray black cat asked to be cared for by passing person. They responded.

It is a photograph of a black cat sleeping on a couch on the Reddit.com website. The photographer said: “I found him outside the gym, kept following me, what should I name him?” It’s a cool title to the photograph because he or she is saying that they adopted this cat without saying it. …

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