Stray cat living on the streets of Turkey enters vehicle and finds a forever home


This is the story of Leo, a stray cat living on the streets of Ankara, Turkey who one day decided good food and an excellent caregiver were only part of having a good life. Leo wanted a home to call his very own, and set about to make his dream of a forever family …

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Homeless kitten’s heartwarming physical transformation will warm your heart

A TRAGIC kitten was living a terrible life abandoned on the busy streets of Istanbul, Turkey, with pedestrians ignoring her because of her unpleasant looks. This poor kitten. What a life she had. Lost and almost certain to die young. How superb is the person who saved her. I have immense admiration for her …

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Plague: the urgent need to have cats roaming our streets

By Gina Shahbandar Intro by Michael. Gina makes the point that community cats (managed outdoor cats living in harmony with people) can provide an essential but underappreciated service to humankind in keeping down rat populations and therefore diseases such as the plague. For example the bubonic plague is spread through flea bites and rats. The …

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Will A Three Cat Per Home Limit Help?

Bay City, Michigan is debating a new ordinance which will restrict each household to a maximum of three cats. The reason for the possible introduction of this ordinance is to reduce the number of stray cats wandering around Bay City. City councillors say the city is teeming with stray cats and there is a …

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How To Make Money From A Cat (without trying)

James Bowen must have made quite a lot of money from Bob his cat companion. James recently visited his publisher, Hodder & Stoughton, who told him that he had sold his millionth book in Britain. We are not told how many books he has sold elsewhere but we are told they are “international best …

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