Superb Ukrainian animal rescuers dodge bombs and bullets to rescue dogs and cats stranded in floodwaters

Cat rescued from dam floods

These guys are amazing. The skill and professionalism of the guy you see in the video is impressive. The way he catches the cat who was scared and tried to escape shows a good understanding of animals as does the way he gave a scared dog on a roof the time to adjust to …

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Catching up with the exodus of people and their pets from Ukraine

Young woman refugee from Ukraine and her cat - her 'son'.

I think that it is useful to occasionally touch base to remind ourselves that the ongoing refugee crisis in Ukraine is still there. People are still suffering. Cats and dogs are still suffering with them. They are still leaving Ukraine to save their lives. And it always amazes me how calm and well-behaved the …

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Ukrainian soldiers love cats. Good, as stray cats and dogs outnumber humans in many places

Kitten and Ukrainian soldier

NEWS AND OPINION: Currently, in many places in Ukraine stray cats and dogs, left behind by their owners who’ve fled or died, outnumber the remaining human residents. Where there is less human life, the more animals there are, according to The Washington Post. This is the animal cost of the war. We should not …

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Tens of thousands of Ukrainian refugees and their pets entering USA via Mexico

NEWS AND COMMENT-SAN DIEGO, USA: There is an interesting back story to the Facebook announcement by the San Diego Humane Society which posted that a Ukrainian refugee was able to reunite with her beloved Pomeranian after the dog had completed a 28-day rabies quarantine required by US law. The woman had entered the US …

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Picture which juxtaposes the vulnerable innocence of a white domestic cat and the brutal war machine

The vulnerability of domestic cat innocence among the human brutes of war

I believe that these are the good guys: Ukrainian troops defending their country from the maniacal behaviour of Putin who fails to understand what ‘winning’ the war he created in Ukraine means. At this stage in the conflict winning for Putin means raising Ukraine to the ground and killing thousands of Ukrainians indiscriminately. He’ll …

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VE Day celebrations – let’s remember the 400,000 pets killed on outbreak of World War II

Cat rescued during the blitz

The UK government, today, has encouraged Britons to deck their homes in red, white and blue bunting to celebrate VE Day. My neighbour across the road has dutifully done this and initially I wondered why! Today is the day we remember the end of World War II, 75 years ago. Celebrating the moment does …

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Animal World’s Equivalent of the Victoria Cross. Discussion

Sasha and her handler were killed on patrol in Afghanistan. Sasha, a labrador, made 15 confirmed discoveries of hidden weapons, bomb-making equipment and improvised explosives in Afghanistan before both she and her handler was shot dead while on patrol in 2008. PDSA (People’s Dispensary for Sick Animals), a well known veterinary charity awarded Sasha …

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