Disconnect between the phrase ‘people of color’ and the science of colour

Disconnect between the physics of colour and the phrase ‘people of colour’

There is currently a big debate about Critical Race Theory (CRT) – an academic framework which examines race and racism. It’s a very complicated issue but advocates of CRT link animal welfare and/or the lack of it with their theories. And therefore, to discuss race and racism and CRT is indirectly to discuss animal …

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Return my emotional support alligator (ESA) and make it snappy pleads his ‘dad’

Wally the emotional support alligator being kissed by Joie Henney. The alligator called Wally was stolen and subsequently trapped and released into the wild.

Pennsylvania, USA: Wally, a 5.5 foot long, 8-year-old alligator was classified as an emotional support animal (ESA) albeit a very unusual ESA. Any animal can be an ESA but they have to be domesticated in order to get along in public places and when meeting people. Wally was domesticated and he has behaved impeccable …

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The reason why America culture permits cat declawing

American culture opens the door to cat declawing

I’ll start of this discussion – and it is no more than a discussion as this is my opinion – by quoting Dr Bruce Fogle DVM from his book Complete Cat Care. He says this about cat declawing: Declawing cats is a cultural issue – In some countries cats routinely have their nails removed …

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Why are Americans so patriotic? Does it affect cat ownership?

Patriotic Americans

This is a discussion article. Input from others would be welcome. It is clear to me, living in the UK, that Americans appear to be far more patriotic than the British. Or at least they show it with far more confidence. Look at these two videos of delivery drivers. They scream to me ‘patriotism’. …

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