Why are Americans so patriotic? Does it affect cat ownership?

Patriotic Americans

This is a discussion article. Input from others would be welcome. It is clear to me, living in the UK, that Americans appear to be far more patriotic than the British. Or at least they show it with far more confidence. Look at these two videos of delivery drivers. They scream to me ‘patriotism’. …

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How fast can you tie your laces? What we are taught sticks.

What we are taught counts

How fast can you tie your laces? Stupid question, yes? Perhaps not. We are taught how to tie laces when we are kids. There are many different ways of doing it. I think the way I was taught is a good one. A good friend of mine has a slower method; no blame on …

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People should expand their circle of moral concern to all sentient beings, everywhere

Peter Singer

The words in the title are from Peter Singer who wrote the acclaimed book, Animal Liberation, published in 1975. In the book he argued that humankind had a tendency toward speciesism meaning that humans attach far greater importance to themselves than they do to other species of animal. Singer asked that people should ‘expand …

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True or false? Afghan animal airlift only added to our national shame.

The cats and dogs on their way to Kabul airport

In a letter to The Times, Kate Nicholls of Seaford, East Sussex, UK, stated that she passionately believes that Mr Farthing’s (Nowzad) evacuation of cats and dogs from Kabul was a highly improper act which brings shame on Great Britain. She said that she read the news with “utter disbelief”. She also said that …

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Self-assured Felicia Wilson on TikTok owns a bobcat kitten and she is wrong

Felicia Wilson and her bobcat kitten - a part of her menagerie of animals

I don’t know who Felicia Wilson is. I think she is a social media celebrity rather than having a background skill such as singing or as an actress. That’s my impression but if I’m incorrect then please tell me. She has 1.9 million followers on TikTok. She appears to have a menagerie of animals. …

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Domestic cats don’t appreciate beauty. Discuss.

Gary the cat does no appreciate the beauty of the landscape behind him

I have said that domestic cats don’t appreciate beauty. The discussion is philosophical. Philosophical discussions don’t result in hard conclusions. I can’t provide a guaranteed answer as to whether domestic cats appreciate beauty or not. I also can’t provide a definitive answer as to why humans appreciate beauty. That, too, is a philosophical question. …

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Don’t criticise PETA for showing graphic images of cats

Some people criticised PETA for publishing pictures of domestic cats being dissected because the pictures were disgusting. I think the critics are wrong and PETA is right.

About 10 days ago there was a bit of a hoo-ha over PETA’s use of a graphic image of a cat that had been dissected. PETA wants to see this sort of activity stopped. They consider it outdated and essentially cruel (see video below). Of course I agree with them completely. PETA have a …

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