Black And White Kitten

The black and white kitten is commonplace but uncommonly beautiful.  I believe that this coat type is one of the two most frequently seen coat types together with the tabby cat. Black and white cats are categorised as white spotted cats in Robinson’s Genetics for Cat Breeders and Veterinarians (“Robinson’s Genetics”). They might also …

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Alley cats and nature’s simplicity

by Sylvia A high-fashion model’s resplendence is a throw of the dice. Preordained markings, a pansy face with a nimbus of fur, contours as sylphidine as a model’s belong to designer cats. Not to moggies. Does our admiration for pedigreed cats and for everything else finely crafted by visionaries turn us away from what …

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Aby Siamese Mix with a Personality to Match

by K Fitzwater (Sacramento, CA, USA) Adidas is our Abyssinian Siamese mix breed. He is the most talkative cat I have ever met and sometimes it seems like he actually might be trying to have a conversation with you. I might say, “Not now Adidas”, in response to his loud meow, and then he …

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