Cat Management Laws of Tasmania

Tasmania has adopted a very honest approach to “cat shelters”. They call them “cat management facilities”. That does sound a bit dark and mysterious but it is a much better name because the word “shelter” is often wholly inappropriate as cats are often not sheltered at these places. Cat management facilities are part of …

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Japanese Attitudes Towards Cats and Dogs

The Japanese have distinctly different attitudes to cat and dog ownership compared to people in Europe and North America. Although there is some overlap. “People don’t want an adult dog — they want to get a dog when it is still young.” As a bit of background this chart compares ratios of pet to …

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Killing Cats: The Open Faucet (Tap)

There is a double whammy effect when a country has a policy of killing unwanted cats. If the cats killed are feral cats – and almost all trapped feral cats are killed – other feral cats move into the space vacated by the killed cats. This is the well known vacuum effect. So, killing …

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I Like Minneapolis (and St. Paul)!

I like Minneapolis because the city council are debating a change in the city’s attitude on controlling stray and feral cats. At the moment the policy is: Catch and Kill stray cats, while at the same time.. prosecuting citizens who feed and neuter stray cats (i.e. Joy Mattice spent $1000s of her own money …

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European Union Mess is Bad for Animal Rescue in Bulgaria

Introduction Bulgaria shouldn’t be in the European Union (EU) at this time, and neither should a number of other countries such as Romania. They were allowed to join before they were compatible with existing EU countries. They were allowed to join too early because the empire-building, bloated bureaucrats who run the EU (Eurocrats) wanted …

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Spay USA And Cat Overpopulation Discussion

This article is an open discussion about cat overpopulation, why it’s happening, and what can we do to reduce the number of unwanted cats born each year. Not just in the USA, but worldwide. I apologize for the long read with all the numbers, but this is necessary to tell a more complete story …

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Does neutering a cat change his personality?

This is an interesting question. Neutering changes behavior but not personality. Is that possible? The best book on cat health¹ says this: “Neutering does not change a male cat’s personality…” The book then goes on to describe how the operation changes certain aspects of a male cat’s behavior such as: reducing or removing the …

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Look To Cat Owners to Fix the Feral Cat Problem

The authorities and scientists in some countries (USA and Australia, for example) are concerned that feral, stray and domestic cats prey on native wildlife to the point where species are endangered. Other countries, such as Israel and the UK, have no such concerns. In other countries such as Switzerland they don’t give it a …

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