Did Khloé Kardashian photoshop the photograph of her Russian Blue cat? A question of vital importance.

Khloe Kardashian's Russian Blue cat called Grey Kitty. The question is whether the picture has been photoshopped.

Fans of Khloé Kardashian have accused her of photoshopping the photograph, on Instagram, of her Russian Blue cat. Detective work is required! We’ve got to get to the bottom of this critically important world news issue. She has a beautiful Russian Blue and she has published a photograph of her cat called Grey Kitty …

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Pictures of cats

Maine Coon with human face

“Pictures of cats” is the URL of this website. When that website title and URL were decided upon this was the top keyword on the Internet and in the world of cats. It was by far the most popular keyword and the title and the popularity of this keyword combined to make this website …

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Blue Scottish Fold at the front remains calm during Russian shelling

Herych is a blue Scottish Fold and a cat celebrity and fundraiser for the Ukrainian military in the Ukraine war

It is astonishing to see a blue Scottish Fold as part of the Ukrainian army at the front line but Herych (Herald) is acquitting himself extraordinarily well. He is unfazed by the shelling. He turns his head towards the explosions in mild curiosity 😉 according to his human companion. Perhaps he has got used …

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Picture of jowly unneutered ginger tabby-and-white male cat with Ukraine soldier declares “Glory to our Defenders”.

Unneutered, jowly, ginger tabby-and-white stray domestic cat befriends a Ukrainian soldier and he is happy.

Glory to our Defenders! That’s the Twitter X message which accompanies this picture of a jowly, unneutered ginger tabby-and-white cat with a Ukrainian soldier. I love this cat. So masculine and in perfect harmony with the Ukrainian soldier. It is a nice example of how stray domestic cats in Ukraine during this horrendous and …

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The reason why it is difficult for an app to identify a cat breed correctly

App to identify cat breeds

You’ll probably find more than one app online which you can download to your smart phone (cell phone) which claims to identify cat breeds from a photograph. The picture shows a screenshot from one which is available on Google Play and it’s called Cat Scanner: Breed Recognition. It has a 4.2-star review with 1 …

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Nauseating picture of a cougar strapped to a Lamborghini

Rich sport hunter ties his shot cougar to the back of his Lambo

This is a personal tirade. Almost a rant. Sorry, but this man’s behavior makes me angry. He appears to have asked his wife (or a friend) to photograph him with his son as he holds the head of the cougar that he just shot dead on a hunting trip. A very pleasant (not) family …

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Photo of a fierce-looking Maine Coon deemed to be ‘hateful conduct’ by Twitter X and viewing restricted!

Photo of fierce-looking Maine Coon deemed 'hateful conduct' by Twitter's algorithm believe it or not!

Elon Musk has a problem with Twitter X’s algorithm which scans images and decides if they are in violation of the social media platform’s policies. This is presumably artificial intelligence (AI) gone wrong. It is bizarre and frankly stupid although not uncommon. Nowadays the internet is already managed in large part by pain-in-the arse …

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Best self-cleaning cat litter trays (infographic)

Sel-cleaning cat litter tray

First up: I am not getting commission on these recommendations :). I am just doing this to try and help. The infographic is based on Amazon sales. It is a good guide provided one treats reviews with a little caution. There are an extraordinary number of self-cleaning cat and dog litter boxes from different …

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