‘Substrate’ refers to the litter material e.g. clay or wood. Each type has its pluses and minuses. Personally, when my cat was using a litter tray, I used wood substrate. I found it good at odour suppression and it is relatively good for the environment. But, of course, I leave it to each cat owner to make their own decision. There is a greater emphasis nowadays compared to say 20 years ago to protect the environment so that aspect of the comparison is of greater importance. If the expense is not a major issue perhaps the deciding factor would be environmental impact. Read about Tidy Cats Lightweight Cat Litter – dusty.
Infographic summarises some Persian cat coat, eye and oral health problems
What one takes away from this 2019 study is that the modern (contemporary flat-faced) Persian cat’s health could and should be improved with a change to the breed standard to neutralise the extreme facial anatomy and normalise a skull and facial features which are nearer to what we expect of the domestic cat. This …