Scented human objects alone do not reassure domestic cats when their caregiver is away

Gabs sleeping on a book to keep cooler

New Scientist reports on a study which tells us that scented human objects alone do not reassure domestic cats when their caregiver is away. I’ll explain what that means. There is a general belief that if you leave an item of used clothing with your cat while you are away it can reassure them. …

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Snow Leopard’s Flehmen Response on Camera Trap Video

This video shows the beautiful snow leopard beautifully, in the wild, on top of a high ridge in the Upper Spiti landscape in Himashal Pradesh, India. The wonderfully fit looking and athletic snow leopards that you see in the video are a mother and her two cubs who are grown up. You can see …

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Feral Cat Control: TVHR Better than TNR

TVHR is more effective than TNR, a study concludes. This is an interesting study that looks at a modified version of Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) to make it more effective. The good thing is that the study takes TNR seriously as a way to manage feral cat colonies. The study indirectly validates the concept of TNR, …

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